Positivity & Uplifment Smudge Bundle (Joy, Abundance, Cleansing)

Ready for some Joy and Cheer.. This smudge stick is sure to bring some Great energy and Abundance into your sacred space! Made with Cedar, Juniper, Pine, Cinnamon, Dried Orange or Apple. These aromatic scents will energize, uplift and bring a spice for life into your energy field. Want a lil change up from the traditional sage then this is for you.
Juniper: draws in positive energy and creates a safe, protective, positive, healing space.
Pine: creates a powerfully protective smudge that can be used for healing, fertility, cleansing, long life and prosperity.
Cedar: cleansing, purification, protection, healing and wealth.
Cinnamon: carries a high vibration for attracting love, money, protection and joy.
Orange: represents joy, happiness, and the abundance energy of the sun (think summer light and warmth).
Apple: protection, abundance, love, longevity, creativity, fertility.